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If you are looking for the best, in this section we have some of the most valued by white wine lovers. A very wide selection with various options so you can choose the one you like best. We recommend that you analyze each of the white wines in this list.
In this section you can buy white wines of different categories and from different denominations of origin in Spain.
The white wine variety usually varies in yellow tones and is made by alcoholic fermentation of the pulp. In this section of our store you can buy the best white wines of the Spanish territory.
A good white wine must meet certain requirements, be made mainly by white, green or yellow grapes such as chardonnay or sauvignon.
We have for you white wine Dulce Eva, Pata Negra, Antonio Barbadillo Castillo, Marqués de Guillén, Blanco Verdejo, Yllera 5.5, organic white wine Speak among other options that are all good white wines.
The type of white wine depends on the type of grapes, among these there are eight major brands that are listed below:
Depending on the use you must have one type of white wine or another, always attending to your needs as well as the quality of the white wine you want to buy.
In our online store we only have good white wines, so it will be easy to choose one of the brands we have in stock ready to serve.
First of all we must choose the appropriate glass, for white wines, narrower glasses that have a conical lid are usually used so that the aromas are concentrated to a greater extent. Similarly, the temperature at which these wines are served is predominantly important.
The pairing of white wine is quite broad, if you are wondering how to combine white wine is typically accompanied by snacks, especially lighter white wines.
As for meals, white wine combines perfectly with seafood, as long as they are not sweet. In the same way they combine with rice and paellas as well as salads, cheeses and fish.
Regarding pairing with meats, they are suitable for cold-type meat.