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In our online store we have online sale of natural honey from Extremadura, we have honey from different orange blossom, heather, thyme, rosemary, Sierra eucalyptus or milflores the most popular and consumed honey. The best natural honey you can find is here.
For us and our customers the quality of honey is important, so we only trust the main brands of recognized name such as the Virgin of Extremadura or Val de Xalima. Now you can see our pure gourmet honey and buy the best varieties of Spain online.
If you wonder what are the benefits of eating honey every day, we can advise you to indicate why it is so good to consume natural honey.
Here we show you the benefits of flower honey in our body and health thanks to the daily and occasional consumption, classified according to the types of flowers sold in our online store:
Rosemary honey: helps tone, is a highly recommended expectorant and significantly improves the functioning of the liver.
Thyme honey: mainly helps in digestive processes and is a powerful antiseptic.
Forest and Encina honey: favors and prevents problems derived from bronchitis and asthma.
Orange blossom honey: very suitable to favor the quality of sleep thanks to its sedative action.
Eucalyptus honey: this type of honey is advisable in diseases such as flu, colds or constipation.
Heather honey: recommended in anemic processes thanks to its energy content and proteins.
Other properties of natural pure honey
Pure honey in its most natural state has substances that act as an active bactericide in our body. Honey has a large amount of glucose oxidase that has been shown to be a powerful and constant active against skin problems, exfoliation and even against acne.
Our honey has a large amount of antioxidant-rich substances that fight against the presence of oxides, which favors the problems caused by cell breakdown. So honey is a great dietary supplement and suitable for dietetics and is a great help to fight heart disease, inflammation and even the immune system to prevent possible colds or pneumonia.
Much healthier than sugar from roots and cane. A healthy alternative to processed or refined sugar highly recommended for diets in which we can take advantage of all the advantages as a primary sweetener in recipes and desserts.
In addition to the above, consuming honey provides our body with an amount of protein thanks to the content of amino acids and other enzymes. Honey proteins favor tissue construction and growth.
Natural honey is therefore a source of energy not only for the protein content, but for its contribution in sugars that reaches 70% in fructose and glucose. Honey is an ally against anemias since it is very rich in macronutrients and micronutrients.
With its hydration content it gives us an extra to moisturize the scalp and skin.
A powerful metabolizer for the digestive process, it makes it much simpler and favors the digestion of food, with all the advantages derived such as improving constipation or heaviness after heavy meals. It is an asset that greatly benefits diarrheal processes or stomach reflux.
If applied directly to the skin, it improves tissue reconstruction by sunburn or small wounds. Being antiseptic prevents all kinds of infections.
It is known that the action of honey when applied to inflamed muscles favors considerably reduce muscle inflammation and pain resulting from this condition.
One of the best known benefits of pure honey is the relief it causes when consumed in periods related to constipates and derivatives, in which the area of the larynx or pharynx is affected.
A home remedy to improve the symptoms of a sore throat caused by a cough is to consume a glass of hot milk with honey.
Relevant studies from India grant and attribute certain benefits related to reducing the generic stress of people who eat natural honey every day. It favors the reconciliation of sleep in people with insomnia, stress and improves favorably and stabilizes blood pressure.
Although honey is very beneficial for the body, there are those who should not consume. Among them babies and children in early ages less than 1 year. This is because honey can contain spores of a bacterium that a child's or baby's organism cannot process properly.
Like, people who are diabetic is not recommended, honey is a sweetener more potent than sugar and glucose content is higher.
In slimming processes, it is advisable to reduce the intake of honey, as it is a powerful source of energy. Honey is a very healthy food but highly caloric, for that reason we recommend a good consumption.